About us
The North Sea Tai Chi Festival is a collaboration between Helma Vinke, Roderik Schoorlemmer, Daan Hengst and Pim van den Broek. All are tai chi practitioners who regularly make trips to adjacent disciplines. They like to take what they find across the border to their own festival, so that every year a unique mix of workshops is created that not only cover the tai chi spectrum, but also invite a fresh look beyond the familiar tai chi borders.
Helma Vinke
Helma is the point of contact and she takes care of communication with participants and the administrative part. In addition to her work at North Sea Tai Chi, Helma has an enormous passion for yoga.

Daan Hengst
Daan is responsible for a large number of texts and those with the greatest language skills, foreign texts are often written by him. In addition, he has a big heart, which means that staying teachers are often in safe hands.

Roderik Schoorlemmer
Roderik is mainly concerned with the organization of the teachers before, during and after the festival. He combines his tai chi talent with the work of a coach, whereby these two disciplines provide a unique mix.

Pim van den Broek
Pim devises the design and the elaboration thereof. He has been practicing tai chi, yoga and reiki for a long time and for some years now he has been passionate about palm reading.